Tour Guide Training

Eclectus Training Institute

Eclectus Training Institute is Savannah Guides' online training arm. Enrol in one of our growing list of courses for those entering the world of Tour Guiding or upskill with a new challenge.

Field Schools

Learn more about our twice yearly professional development workshop experiences. Anyone interested in learning more about Australian cultures and ecosystems is welcome to attend. Savannah Guides Field School are a lively blend of lectures, field excursions, and camaraderie.

Become an EcoGuide

EcoGuide Certification is a national program, recognising guides who deliver authentic, environmentally responsible and professional experiences. The program is owned by Ecotourism Australia and delivered by Savannah Guides in Australia.

Group Training

Would your tour operation benefit from some dedicated Tour Guide training? We have a range of options to support your team, either face-to-face or remotely. Set benchmarks for your team, address skill gaps and reward performance. Upskill your senior guide to run ongoing training.

Guiding in the Wet Tropics

The Wet Tropics Program is currently under review by the Wet Tropics management Authority. We have some resources for you in the meantime and will advise here and by email when new program details are announced.

Developing Your Tourism Business

Savannah Guides has worked with many Indigenous and non-Indigenous businesses to develop tour experiences, create Business and Marketing Plans, link partnerships and train staff. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Wet Tropics Ambassadors

Become a Wet Tropics Ambassador – a storyteller and protector of our World Heritage-listed Wet Tropics! Simply join a fun, two-hour workshop and successfully complete a short quiz about the Wet Tropics! A great experience for anyone new to the Wet Tropics, or working with guests.

Cultural Awareness

This online course focuses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ cultures, history and society. Enhance your cultural understanding, gain a deeper sense of self-awareness and critical reflection; and develop your personal and professional capacity to engage respectfully and effectively in an intercultural context.

Upskill in Africa

Savannah Guides has developed a unique relationship with Ulovane Environmental Training in South Africa. Ulovane offer a range of training experiences from entry level, week long courses to year long courses that lead to accreditation. It's up to you to choose the learning adventure of a lifetime in another part of Gondwana.