Enterprise Membership

Connecting best-practice tour operators

As a Savannah Guides Enterprise, you are in a position to both contribute to, and benefit from, our organisation. Imagine, as a tour operator, being tapped in to a pool of trained guides from which to meet your employment needs. Furthermore, imagine being able to offer those same employees an on-going pathway to improve their skillset, which of course improves the tour products they deliver on your behalf. The synergies of being a Savannah Guides Enterprise are obvious.

Savannah Guides’ Field Schools are often hosted by one, or multiple, Savannah Guides Enterprises, bringing a fresh set of eyes to bear on your tour products, which often leads to opportunities to improve upon them. Furthermore, exposing your operation to guides from all over the country is a great way to raise your profile. A recommendation of your tourism products coming from a tour guide is word of mouth on steroids!

Outside of Savannah Guides Field Schools, the organisation’s benefits to tour operators is diverse:

  • Corporate marketing opportunities
  • Staff development
  • Site management
  • Corporate imagery
  • Visitor referral
  • Tour Packaging
  • Industry networking
  • Advocacy to local, state, and federal, authorities

Download the SG Enterprise Application Form

A group photo of enthusiastic Savannah Guides.