Privacy Policy

Savannah Guides Ltd (the Organisation) is committed to compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 and the National Privacy Principles (NPPs). The Organisation’s Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, store and disclose your personal information and the management of that information.

Collection Of Your Personal Information

Personal information is any information, whether recorded by document or electronically, about you. The Organisation collects your personal information directly from you or from information available publicly. This information may be needed to ensure the provision of the appropriate service by the Organisation and the quality of that service.

Use And Disclosure Of Information

The Organisation will not use or disclose your personal information other than:

For a purpose we have made known to you, such as, to provide services requested by you:

  • A purpose that you would reasonably expect,
  • A purpose authorised by you,
  • A purpose required by law,
  • Storage Of Your Information.

Your information will be held securely and may only be accessed by authorised Organisation personnel. Where the Organisation holds personal information that is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected, the information will be destroyed or de-identified, subject to any legal requirement to retain the information.

How To Access, Correct And Update Your Information

You are entitled to access your personal information held by the Organisation and to ensure it is accurate. All requests for access to your information need to be made to the Savannah Guides Manager. All reasonable steps will be taken to provide you with access to your information and to correct or update your information held by the Organisation. A fee may be imposed to cover the costs of locating your information and providing you access to that information.

What Else Should You Know About Privacy

The NPPs came into effect on 21 December 2001 and require that organisations collect and manage your information according to NPPs. Further information about these can be obtained by visiting the web site of the Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner at

If you believe that your rights have not been upheld, then you should send a written complaint in the first instance to the Savannah Guides Manager.